Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Started physical therapy

This week marks the start of physical therapy. He's having a bit of a rough time with the hard work. During therapy he has had seizures which have made him sleepy which cuts PT short. I will post pics later, due to the fact I'm tired and going to bed. Although we've had a rough start he has done well with sitting and standing that he has worked on in PT.

Continued. . .

Well we didn't get to have any therapy on Weds because Christian is sickly. We've started antibiotics so hopefully we can try tomorrow. We will see these pictures and videos are from the first day of PT. The video of him sitting on the moving contraption simulates the movement of a horse. It's helpful for shifting their wait and making the child pull with opposing muscles. It's quite interesting. The other video is him on the swing. She was trying to calm him down with the swinging but he's still working on sitting. The yellow and white suit is just that-a suit the kids wear to put more input in to their joints. It's hard to explain. All I know is that it makes the work they are doing that much tougher!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Robyn, I just wanted to let you know that I have been following your blog and that I pray for Christian all the time. It is amazing how often you and your family cross my mind. I am praying for strength for you and Christian.