Sunday, February 15, 2009

let's do something "normal"

Family Pic->

Christian is drawing his 1st Pic at Crayola store.

Ta-Da I drew a picture of my family!

Family Outing!

Today we decided to do what anyone with a 2 yr old would do. We went to Crown Center and Union Station. Basically we wanted out of the room, new scenery, and not to spend money. We were told about this place and thought it fit the bill.

Let me explain the title of this post. As a family of a child with special needs we often don't do the "normal" things because sometimes seizures get in the way or we figure why spend the money if Christian can't enjoy it. We have to remind ourselves that he enjoys it in different ways and -heck sometimes we just need to feel like we are parents doing normal parent stuff even if we have a special stroller and explain what Christian is hearing and not seeing and get stared at a little.

I'm drawn to the special toy stores to see if they have tactile toys that i've never seen and I perk up at the different noises(water fall, train whistle, bell ringing on old firetruck) to tell Christian.
At the crayola store I had my eyes peeled for something Christian could do. Well today he drew his first picture. We worked on taking him out of the stroller (which is a bit of a task with the tray on)and I looked at Eric and said "we are doing something normal I don't care if he hates it or doesn't know what we are doing or if it takes all day-he will draw a picture today! Right now we are going to be a normal family." Eric just smiled and went along lwith it ike the outstanding dad/husband he is. Thanks Eric!


Anonymous said...

I think his picture is advanced actually for a 2 year old. He is gifted in artistry. And in the 1st picture you look like you been packin' on the pound up there in KC. yikes!

Anonymous said...

You guys look so happy! What a great "normal" day! Proud of you for getting out there and just going for it!

Tara said...

Good for you!!! I guess I never thought of what our world would be like if we didn't have Gunnar to make us do things. I know we wouldn't do as much b/c I complain about the "trouble" it takes to get Lilly and her chair out..blah..blah.blah. And that's not fair to her or Gunnar. I LOVE the pictures!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! Have a great last week and we'll see you soon!!

Anonymous said...

I think you are awesome, great parents. We who have normal children and grandchildren don't understand what you go through each and every day but really admire the way you two are handling it. I am so enjoying your blog and watching Christian progress in his therapy. We are praying that his seizures continue to decrease or stop completely. Take care and keep up the good work. Rick and Lois Green