Friday, February 6, 2009

I believe

I believe . . .

that God has a purpose for everything.

that God will never leave us or forsake us.

that God has perfect timing.

that I'm doing everything I can and when I can't do anything that's when God takes over and we all know that it was all Him.

in a God who is bigger than I could ever imagine.

God is faithful.

in the power of fresh air and pretty flowers and laughter.

that no matter what happens in my life God sent his only son to die on the cross for all of our sins so that we may have eternal life.

prayer is powerful.

friends and family help carry us.

in asking for help.

a picture is worth a thousand words.

that people really do care.

in my son.

in miracles.

I've found in the past 2 years that it's helpful to say and to really stand on what you actually believe in. It even helps to say it out loud. It's easy to believe certain things when all is well in your life but when times are rough you have to stand on what you truly deep down believe. Ask yourself what you believe?!?

I don't have any new pictures. Christian's therapy went well but did a lot of the same so I didn't want to post same pictures. Have a great weekend!


Tara said...

This is the reason I love reading your blog. I really needed those truths today. Your right...sometimes we do need to say them out loud! Enjoy the great weather this weekend and I'll see you Monday!

Anonymous said...

Whatever the reason for all you have been through, one is definately for your testimony and encouragement for everyone who knows you! God uses you more than you know dear friend!This was beautiful!