Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Another hard working day

--I'm going home after a hard days work.

Today Christian worked on a lot of sitting and propping himself up with his hands, walking further, and propping on his elbows while laying on his stomach. He is tolerating everything really well. We don't have to do all of our work on the swing. Although, when we take a break he swings and loves it.

Everyday I'm amazed at the gains he is making. Also today he only had 3 seizures and none during physical therapy. He's been going to bed earlier too! 9:30!
ps- the red thing he is chewing on a lot in the pics and video is his "chewy". Sometimes it's just to distract him and other times he just needs something to chew on.

I'm trying to use my hand to keep me sitting up.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It looks like he is doing great. I had trouble with my internet, so this is my first look. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I can't wait to hear about the experience. Jami Bolin