Sunday, May 8, 2011

Lessons of life by Christian

From time to time God uses Christian to teach me some profound things that maybe I have forgotten or maybe God just wants to reassure me and share with others. I love these moments. I think it's also one of those "learn from your trials" moments. So I thought I'd share in case you need to hear this today.

For the last week or so Christian has been battling allergies like many of us. The difference is that the drainage just . . .well drains. He can't spit or blow his nose. So this has left us with him gagging easily and then sometimes throwing up. We've never had this happen to this degree so of course it's our new bump in the road that we are enduring. Any time I(or Eric) hear him start gagging I jump up and run-yes run to him, roll him to his side and pray that he doesn't throw up. It is necessary to get to him quickly so that we can assist him since he can't sit up or roll over on his own. And if he does throw up we have to change his clothes, the sheets, bathing him and get him back to sleep. This has occurred several times at midnight or the early am hours. I know many of you have had the "throw up in the middle of the night" scenario. The reason I was left pondering our situation is because it has been happening multiple times. I'm amazed at how quick my husband and I can move in the middle of a dead sleep when it comes to helping our son.

For some reason, I started to think about how our aid to Christian is just like God's love and swift attentiveness to us. When we face a trial or are in trouble, He runs/sprints to us as quickly as possible to help us or comfort us. He would never look at us and say umm just a minute-just as we would never do that to Christian or Bryant. There's never an hour that is too late or early to hear our prayers. While we often pray with urgency, God in turn answers with urgency. Giving Christian new clothes and a bath, reminds me that God in a similar way not only runs to us but helps with what we need and cleans us up-and gets us back on track with life. I'm so thankful that I have a God like that!! After typing this though I thought about how in Deuteronomy it says that He never leaves us so I guess that's even better than "running" to us.

Maybe you needed this reminder of how much you are Loved by God or maybe not but thought I'd share.