Thursday, April 7, 2011

tv star and tender moments

Well when you go to a long term therapy program like this, everyday isn't going to be great and perfect progress. Day 3 Christian did great with everything and today Day 4 he wasn't having it!! We really think his muscles are just very tired! So today he didn't do so hot with his walking. It's tough when you just want him to do well and work hard but he just can't for whatever reason. Each day is different and a chance to try again!!


On a totally different note the local news shot a short spot on intensive pt programs at the center and Christian was obviously in the shots. I would have put a cuter shirt on him had I known:) It was funny though because it was with Randy Ray who has been on our news since I was a kid. Below is a picture of us!

New Friends

So I mentioned on facebook a brief story of Christian's friend singing to him. I will elaborate on that today. After therapy the next patient was there to work with Miss Brandy. (we will call her Sarah). Sarah was about 5 and is in a wheelchair. Brandy introduced her and Christian. She said Hi and Christian gave her his traditional "thump" with his fingers as he touched her arm. Standing in front of her chair he was at almost eye level with Sarah. Brandy asked Sarah if she wanted to sing to him and if she could sing Itsy Bitsy Spider (Christian's fave!). She began to sing slowly in her soft tiny voice! Christian kept his hand on her arm and stood and listened as she paused to find the words and continued to the end. He was captivated by Sarah's pretty voice. I was told the next day that Sarah told her mom about her new friend Christian and singing to him:) *** above is a picture of Christian's singing friend

These moments of interaction with other kids always makes me so happy as a mom. You see it is rare that children interact with Christian and this is simply because they don't understand why he doesn't initiate interaction such as eye contact, talking, playing, sharing toys,. . . all of those typical things that kids do. In a group of kids he is sometimes ignored. I don't blame kids or their parents at all, please don't think that. And we do have family friends whose kids run to say hi to Christian at school or bring him his chewy when he drops it. Tender moments of children not thinking that Christian is different but that he is just Christian!

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