Monday, April 11, 2011

church pew moment and bicycle!

I'm sure the post title caught your attention and you thought-whatttttttttttt!!??? In the past 4 years I have been given those moments of "normalcy" to experience with Christian. They are usually filled in with long weeks/months of special needs world (doctor visits, therapy, seizures, gagging, tone. . . . ). The times I remember the most are those moments when time freezes and I watch Christian have a moment where he is doing what other 4 yr old kids would do and so that leads me to the church pew. . . . . this Sunday as everyone stood to sing and worship I had Christian standing in front of me as I sat. His right hand (good one) was at just the right height to hold on to the pew in front of him. Everyone was standing. . .my mom to my left and Eric (holding Bryant) to my right. So I felt like Christian was doing so well standing and holding on that I decided to stand beside him as he stood. I was just so overwhelmed with this moment of standing beside him (giving him little support) and singing as he stood too. I'll admit I almost started crying. Thank you Lord for that wonderful moment!

Today in therapy Christian did some great standing and pushing up to standing in stride (legs apart like your walking). He also did the best walking he has done so far. He sometimes a mystery to his therapist. Today Brandy mixed it up and tried a basic walker (imagine the kind older people use). He did great holding on to the bar of the walker in front of him and walking! I couldn't get video of him because I was in front of him. And then we rode the BICYCLE!!! Oh my goodness another fun "normal" moment of watching my 4 yr old son ride a bike. O.k. so he was being pushed on it mostly but he looked so big and happy. This is good work for his legs because it shows his legs that they can work independently (just like in walking) of each other and it's good work for his muscles to learn to push to make the bike go.

Sometimes our lives are like rollercoasters-up, down, scared, excited. Friday night my husband came for the weekend and the excitement from the boys was like an explosion of JOY! Christian just smiled and laughed and laughed(more than he has all week with me)-and even was more verbal! And Bryant just waved his arms wiledly as if he might take flight. Then Saturday Christian had a seizure that lasted longer than 5 minutes so we had to give him his "emergency" medication. Then Sunday we had some great church pew standing, dinner with family, and lawn mower rides with PaPa! So this is our life of low-lows and high-highs. We are thankful for the positive, blessed moments that carry us thru the not so fun times!


The Lundgrens said...

Love it!! He looks so happy riding that bike. :))
Last night, the four of us were sitting on the couch reading books. Luke and Caleb both wanted to touch the page we were on at the same time. Caleb screams "NO! Mine!" and Luke (although not verbalizing it) grabs Caleb's hand and pushes him away. Back and forth, back and forth. "Normal" parents would probably have intervened. I looked up and saw on Andrew's face what I had on mine...a BIG smile. Something about brothers fighting just seems so wonderfully normal. :)) We relished it!
So thankful for that beautiful gift God gave you on Sunday morning.
And PrAyInG that April 9th stands out in your memory the day Christian had his LAST seizure!!!

Christian said...

yeah Kristi!!! for you brotherly fight!!:)) i can just see you and andrew enjoying this moment that you wondered might never happen!!

Rita said...

Robyn you are an amazing mom,friend and woman of God. I have enjoyed watching you grow up over the years, Mexico mission trips, marriage and now motherhood. God is so GOOD! Love you muchisimo!