Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Intense PT April 2011 Day 1-2

Well it's been a year since we were last here and we are so excited to get to work! Well I guess Christian's getting to work and hopefully he's excited. This program is called intense physical therapy because he works 3 hrs a day, 5 days a week for 3 weeks on physical therapy goals. He will also be using the "suit" depending on how he does in it. In the past it has been "sensory overload". He will be doing a lot of work on walking in his Taos brace (black brace on his legs) in his walker (blue walker). He will also work on standing, hopefully leading to more independent standing. He is lifting weights to strengthen his legs and doing sit to stands to strengthen the legs and booty:) The Kenny

Rogers Child Center has recently added on the new gymnasium along with several other rooms to accommodate different types of therapy. Christian is working in a separate room to lift weights, do cage work , standing work. . . basically Brandy (his PT) works just with him in this room which is good because there aren't any distractions. The additions to the center are amazing!! I took video and you will see Christian standing and playing at some of the gym equipment! (he is playing at a piano in one of the pictures).

THANK YOU-to all who participated and volunteered in any capacity in the Dodgeball Tournament!! You made it possible for Christian to come get the therapy he needs to move forward in skills leading to more independence!! Thank you so very much for making a difference! If you are on facebook you can type Dodging to make a Difference in to the search box to find our page. There are pics and video from this years tournament!


claire said...

Wow, he looks very focused and VERY serious! You can tell how hard he's working. I'm excited for you, hope it's a fabulous experience.

The Lundgrens said...

Wow!! The center looks amazing!!! Makes me want to get up there pronto!
Hope Christian has LOTS of good days and you see some major improvements. :D
Miss you!