Monday, April 18, 2011

Showing off for daddy and Bryant

Today Christian did an amazing job with his walking in his Taos walker! There is a little bit of video to show that. He has also gone from lifting 5 pounds on his leg weights to almost 10 pounds. I'm so glad he is getting those legs stronger! Daddy and Bryant were able to come watch Christian work. I think Christian is a little more motivated to walk towards daddy's voice than mine :) Most of the time we weren't even around to try to motivate him to walk towards our voice. He's funny somtimes he just seems to do his own thing without any reward or motivation. I think Christian is motivated by the fact that he just wants to move so he does.

Brandy also took Christian in to their vision/black light room (not sure what they actually call it). I thought it would be interesting to see if Christian would work to stand at or even be interested in the lighted objects. You will see the picture and video of him standing at a water filled tube that lights up and changes colors. It changes colors when it detects sound. This room was amazing. He seemed to enjoy standing at the mirror with ropes that light up when the blacklight is on.

Bryant took his first trip down the slide today too. Above are some pictures of him playing the piano with Christian too.

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