Tuesday, November 10, 2009

week 2

Christian is. . . getting stronger, impressing me at times, making me say "huh", melting my heart, teaching me, . . .and so much more.

Last week Christian so impressed me with his endurance and adapting to a new place and voices. This week well. . .yesterday was great. While working on the horse he was holding on to a pole on each side. I was so shocked at how well he held on with his left hand (which is his weak hand). He wasn't using his tone and clutching the pole for life but actually actively using muscles to hold it loosely. Sounds simple but not when your brain usually tells you to hold really tight. I"m trying to get a video on of that.

Today was a different story. He didn't want to use his legs. hmmm that's not good. He was just kind of blah with the legs. It's hard when he does so well and then one day has just a blah day and doesn't seem to want to do much. I have to remember he's working harder than ever and it is tiring.

I'm learning a lot of new things to do with him as well. Things I can take home!

The video is of him doing sit ups!

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