Friday, November 6, 2009

The Suite

Christian wears a suite during some of his therapy. In the video the therapist explains what it does. It's pretty neat stuff. Makes the work he does a little harder because it is making him use the correct muscles. He also wears another piece of equipment during sitting and standing that she will explain.
She is trying to strengthen his legs, glutes, and trunk so that he can do things like sit, stand, walk, ect. He has come so far from a year ago and I am so proud of him and how hard he works!


Garrett's Nana said...

wow robyn, he has improved so much in the past 8 months.. I can't believe it !!

God Bless Ya Girl !!

Tara said...

Awesome stuff!! You can tell he soooo wants to learn! Can't wait for more!

theblakes said...

Carli said "He's doing soooo good! I can't wait to see him!" Makenzie just keeps smiling and making replay the video over and over....

We're so proud of Christian!