Monday, June 8, 2009

Be a Bridge

Your probably wondering about the title of this post. The other day in the chamber 2 moms were talking about how good their siblings are for their child who has autism. She commented on how her son has trouble socializing with other kids like at parties or parks. However, when his brother is with him he is able to play with the other kids because his brother is like the bridge between him (son with autism) and the other kids. The son with autism trusts and knows his brother and therefore feels comfortable being with him and the other kids. I thought that was such a profound way of putting it--"he's like a bridge for him".

I think we could all be bridges for other people. Whether we are siblings, playmates, adults, teachers, strangers. . . it's easy to be a bridge to help another person. It makes me think about how one day Christian will need a bridge, perhaps a lot of bridges in his lifetime-ones that are trusting and strong. And I hope that they are there for him. So i just want to encourage you to teach your kids how to be bridges.

I'm also including a video of Christian and I just chit chatting. It was kind of awkward to sit in front of the camera and talk but I wanted to show how "verbal" he has become. Also notice how he is turning to the left. This has just started about 3 weeks ago. Before he would only turn to the right. We would try to bribe him to turn to the left with different things but now we don't have to do that.


Anonymous said...

You know Robyn--I think it will be Christian who will be the bridge. He already is! You are doing just great Christian. Keep up the good work. MAMA

Abi' K. said...

You are incredible!!! and I just LOVE your sweet boy. you bring tears to my eyes and joy to my heart as i watch you love on your special baby boy! i want o get together soon and have dottie play with christian! xoxo--abs

Anonymous said...

Robyn-I was crying happy tears. How wonderful to hear him so happy and vocal and turning to the left. I aslo loved the walking earlier. I miss you both and can't wait to see you. Susan

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful!! You two look so happy and madly in love with each other. So proud of both of you for all of your hard work!