Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The day before I was born. . .

The day before Christian was born.. i ate a healthy meal of double cheeseburger and fry from McDonalds's on our schools McDonald night. Little did I know this would be my last meal for awhile. That night I didn't feel like he was moving as much or really at all. But I chalked it up to not having a lot of room in there. Still yet something just didn't seem right. So I awoke around 4 am on tues from a dream that I had. In the dream I wasn't feeling him move so I went to the hospital. Well when I woke up I just had this feeling that something wasn't right. Thank you Lord for the help! So we called the hospital and decided to go ahead and go on up and not wait for the return call. Basically they found that he was not responding to stimulus and I had preeclampsia. The situation started as "you will have your baby today" and then quickly turned to "your having an emergency c-secition in 30 minutes". Well alrighty then. I just thought ok they need to get him out and everything will be fine. As I lay on the operating table I just remember thinking- this table is very skinny and I can't believe they are cutting me open. It became obvious after Christian was born that something was wrong. There was no joyful announcement as he was pulled out, no crying by Christian or me. I knew it was quite for a reason. They quickly showed him to me and then took him to the NICU. As Eric and I waited in the recovery room, my doctor came in and told me that I already had those motherly instincts because had we waited until this afternoon he might not have made it. (and i don't include this to pat myself on the back but to give God the glory for our son's life) Well not exactly the storybook beginning of parenthood. To be continued. . . .

1 comment:

Christie's Corner said...

I know this is just the beginning of your amazing journey....what a story of God's grace!