Monday, February 20, 2012

Week 3 of intense pt feb 2012

Sorry I haven't done a good job keeping up this time around. Week 2 christian had a good progress day every other day. I didn't feel like I had anything new to say. I think it was thursday that he had a great walking day. We figured out a great set up for his arms. The problem is his left arm is usually strapped down since he doesn't hold on. Lefty not a problem. Now right arm is tricky-he doesn't want it strapped down but won't hold on to his handle the whole time. When he does he looks great and stands up straight. AFter awhile he wants to bite it or just wonder around with it:) Anyways we figured it out.
So this weekend (last weekend here) christian did some great sit to stands at home. I feel like he's really gotten stronger and put the pieces together. Far from perfect but using his butt muscles more and just not squeezing his legs together as much to stand. I will try to get video on here.
The picture of C laying down with what looks like a palm pilot and then a round device on his stomach--is---how they adjust hip baclofin pump. The round thing on his stomach is magnetic i think? it is just on top of where his pump is on the inside of him. Then the handheld device tells the doctor it is connected and reads what dosage he's at and the doctor can then adjust up or down...pretty cool. Also the videos are from the week after he had the pump put in. I'm just getting these on here.

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