Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Baclofen pump implant

Christian had his pump implanted today (jan 3). The surgery went great and he is sleeping right now. Hopefully when he is fully awake he will not be in too much pain or confusion as to why he has this pump now.

We are staying at the Ronald McDonald house in St. Louis. They are so accomodating. We are very thankful for a place to stay and supper provided. I will keep you updated as to how he is doing.

Sleep was difficult last night. I think there's always the concern of -am making the right decision for Christian? how's this going to go?...
Eric and I remind ourselves that we are doing what's best for his quality of life.


Erin said...

Praying all goes well. Keep us (me) posted. Had you been doing anything prior to this (like botox) to combat spacticity? What made you decide to go for it? Any concerns with lowering his seizure threashold?

Guess I really need to send you an email with all my questions... sorry!

The Lundgrens said...

Praying things get better by the day...
You are amazing parents. We make the best decisions we can with the information we have available....and rely so much on God's grace. After that, comes the hard part of trusting that we're doing the right thing. :)
Praying for you guys!