Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sikeston Therapy was great

Fawn is massaging his hamstrings and getting them stretched out.

Christian does not like the sour taste he was just given for the first time.

We are done with our time here in Sikeston for our summer therapy. Thank you so much to the Kenny Rogers Child Center staff and therapists that worked with Christian-Elisa, Carrissa, Fawn, and Dana. Your kiddos back home are blessed to have such knowledgeable, caring, patient therapists. I appreciate the time and energy you put in to working with Christian.

I have learned a lot too that I can take home and work on with him. He is just getting so much stronger. I'm proud of all of the hard work he has done. I don't know if I could "workout" for one and a half hours a day. Mommy and daddy are proud of you!

The "sour" picture -let me explain. It is good for kids to experience all of the different tastes-sour, sweet , bitter. . . well he got the sour taste from a spray on his chewy. This helps activate different parts of the mouth. It was pretty funny. He didn't mind the lemon juice taste.

1 comment:

carisa said...

we had such a good time working with Christian. He will always be a memorable kiddo. Thanks for keeping us updated on his progress, GO CHRISTIAN!