We spent 8 days at Sikeston receiving the second session of NDT therapy with the same 2 Occupational Therapists from the first session. I have seen so much progress in Christian's upper body since then end of this session. I will get some video on here to show you what I mean. But for now I will just tell you.
-He is rolling from back to stomach anytime you put him on the floor.
-He is now rolling to the right also which was difficult for him because his left arm is weaker so he would not want cross his midline to swing it on over and roll to the right.
-when he rolls over on his stomach he can now get his right arm out in front and push his head and chest up and hold it there to play.
-his over all ability to hold his chest and head up for long periods of time is great.
-his left arm(weak arm) is so much more loose and we are able to help him use it during play.
We will head back in August for his last session. He will have physical therapist this time.
THANKS to the therapist and the Kenny Rogers Child Center for inviting us to this therapy!
-He is rolling from back to stomach anytime you put him on the floor.
-He is now rolling to the right also which was difficult for him because his left arm is weaker so he would not want cross his midline to swing it on over and roll to the right.
-when he rolls over on his stomach he can now get his right arm out in front and push his head and chest up and hold it there to play.
-his over all ability to hold his chest and head up for long periods of time is great.
-his left arm(weak arm) is so much more loose and we are able to help him use it during play.
We will head back in August for his last session. He will have physical therapist this time.
THANKS to the therapist and the Kenny Rogers Child Center for inviting us to this therapy!