Wednesday, April 22, 2009

So what if I cried in the bathroom stall. . . .

I mean do other parents not do that after a rough EEG procedure at the hospital???
Oh my I bet that title got your attention. I wouldn't be truthful about my day to day adventures if I didn't include this blog-so i'm stepping out and being vulnerable. I took Christian for an EEG Monday morning at 8am. Well he fell asleep and when I got him out of the stoller and in to me lap all heck broke loose. They were marking his head and scrubbing the spots where the electrodes would be placed and that was not ok with Christian. For the next 25mins. he screamed-not cried-screamed! I thought this is a nightmare that can not be soothed away. I knew he would just have to run his course. I really don't think he was actually fully awake when he was screaming and straightening his body. So yes I just cried-mostly because there was nothing I could do to help soothe him. Talk about embarrassing situation. Me, the 2 ladies, and a screaming 2 year old. I tried to just look the other way while I cried-like that would make them not see me crying:). Finally it was over!!
I made my way to the closest bathroom so that i could cry in private. So there I was wishing the toilet had a lid so I could put it down to sit down because I was holding Christian (he's heavy and still whiny) because the handicap stall was not big enough for the stroller to fit in. I thought about putting the paper cover on the toilet seat but i didn't think i could get it to stay there with just 1 hand. They are so flimsy.
Luckily no one walked in during this.
So I went on up the the neurologist office and I think he could tell it had been rough because he was very nice.
Christian was sound asleep in his stroller and i was not about to risk waking him up so I treated myself to a Mt.Dew and lemon poppy seed muffin. I parked us in the outpatient lobby and enjoyed my dew and muffin and thought it's only 11:00.
After he woke up, I drove on the Walgreens to pick up his medicine and the pharmacist says "your insurance won't cover this". . .. I say to myself "of course"! (this was later worked out).

And so there ya have it. My EEG nightmare. Don't feel sorry for me though, we all have these days but God is so good and you know what it makes me feel very grateful for the days that aren't like this.


sarah jones said...

Robyn -
This is priceless, I am just trying to picture you, sitting or standing in a bathroom stall, bouncing up and down trying to console Christian, crying and wondering if people will be able to recognize you by your shoes. I have not been in your shoes, but I certainly have been in that place as a parent and especially as a mother, where you feel so completely inept, so out of your league and so afraid that you will never be able to give your child what they really need, that you can turn to no one else but God; who is gracious and gives wisdom generously to those who ask. (James 1:5)
Hang in there girl!
Love you- Sarah

Abi' K. said...

oh friend...i was picturing the nurses scrubbing sweet C's head and how painful it truly is...I have been there; however I have not been on the flip side of it and I think I would prefer to have my head scrubbed rather than be the parent of the patient. You are a rock, R. I am in awe of your strength and patience. Hang in there...-abs

Anonymous said...

You go cry. Nothing wrong with that.