Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 24 of diet & future events

Well Christian has adapted well to the diet. He is his old self again. We have been running 12-18 seizures a day for the past six days. Hopefully this is a sign of more reduced number of seizures. I'm willing to go a month and a half now that we are seeing some kind of reduction.

3rd Annual Dodging to Make a Difference Dodgeball Tournament
-date and place to be announced. There is a chance we may not be able to have it at Upper Elementary due to the fee they are charging. Also Bryant Elijah( our son on the way) is due around dodgeball time so we are still waiting on the date of tournament. Either i will be very pregnant or have him strapped on me in a carrier:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

PTL This is so awesome. I know the meal planning and measuring is somewhat of a pain, but bettr than shots and having these pesty seizures. Will keep trusting for fewer and fewer of them. Love you my little man.