Tuesday, May 26, 2009

more great times at physical therapy

Christian had a great day today. He was trying to pull himself back to the middle when he was sitting on "the horse". Usually he just falls to one side but he was trying to use his core muscles come back.

I accidentally deleted the video of him practicing sit to stand. He did 15 of those. I was so proud of him. I think we counted 13 steps today. The video show him bringing his own foot up with little assistance. He needs us to guide his foot so that he does not cross them. I continue to stand in awe of how hard Christian is working and the improvements he is making.

I'm also very excited to announce he has gained 2 pounds in the the last 2 weeks. We've been stuck at 27 lbs for about 6 months!

Thank you again to all of you who are writing and praying for us! And for all of you who made it possible for us to come again.

1 comment:

Tara said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the pony video!!!! I caught myself talking out loud to C! Cheering him on. And the video of him in the water...kickin those legs! AWESOME! ttyl