Saturday, November 22, 2008


There were so many titles that I could have used for this entry but I think the one I picked says it all. This is something that happened to me one day while registering for something. I will not say where this happened but just know that it did happen and I didn't make this up.

Christian was with me and it comes up that he had a stroke before he was born and then that he was blind.
Lady:"does he run in to the walls at home"?
Me: uhh no he can't crawl or walk yet.
Lady: well i know this isn't the same but. . .
I'm thinking then just stop your story if you started it with "iknow this isn't the same. .
Lady: when i was little i had a cat and it was blind and it would run around the house and sometimes run in to walls. But it didn't hurt itself.
Me in my head: she's really telling me about her blind cat. wow. so this is what they mean about strangers saying things that they shouldn't say. and your right your blind cat is not the same as my son.
Me(out loud): ohh. hmm

Note to all people reading this-don't compare your animals to special needs children. She did not offend me at all but it would probably offend some parents. Actually I was thinking "i've got to blog this one".


Christie's Corner said...

Oh my.....

Anonymous said...

Hey...I had this dog once that...wait...maybe I should tell the story about the family, not funny enough, maybe the one about our one legged rabbit. I'll pick one soon. I'm sure it will line up with Christian...I might have to lie so it will but you know my heart. ;-0

Friend, some people just don't use their brains. You are a good woman that you didn't box her in her teeth. Boy, that would have made a story!


Anonymous said...

Blind? I just tought he was tired;)
I do love telling that story..

Tara said...

You get the "Oh, is she tired" story too...the other one I like is "Is she shy?" or "how old is your baby?" "3" "Oh,....." They don't bother me either. I just think about how bad that foot tastes in their mouth!!