Saturday, May 30, 2009

Day 14ish

Sorry i haven't updated it was taking quite awhile to get the pics and videos on. The videos on this post are of him practicing sit to stands. He had to take a break in between to poop. You will here us commenting on that in the video. Also he is practicing trying to sit. He is doing a great job correcting himself when he starts to go to one side. Well he's improved not perfected that.

The other thing i've noticed since being here is he looks to the left all the time. I don't know that he sees anything but he used to only look or turn his head to the right.

We went to the pool today for some swim time and as we entered this older lady says "you gonna wake that baby just to take him swimming?" I thought yes lady i'm going to do just that because don't all moms want to wake their kids to put them in the pool? The truth is he wasn't even asleep!!! "His eyes are squinted because the sun is in them and he doesn't always sit up straight!" So I politely said "he's not asleep" and left it at that.


sarah jones said...

What is it with you and old ladies! :)

Tara said...

"Grace, grace, God's grace...." That is the song that has started popping in my head lately with people : ) Oh....