Sunday, February 1, 2009

Oh Happy Day

This weekend was a nice break from therapy. Saturday it was warm so we had an outing to an outdoor mall area. We just walked around mostly but it was great to get out of the hotel room and get some fresh air. The pictures areh[t too exciting but one is of Eric pushing the stroller on our "day out" and the other is us having church via computer. We listened to pastor Lindell's sermon from the sunday before since we miss them and we don't really want to expose Christian to a church full of germs right now.

We are also thrilled, elated, overjoyed, blessed-to say that Christian's Big seizures have decreased!!! Friday he had 3, sat-1, and so far today none! We know that God is doing something great and answering all of our prayers. Thank you all ! Keep it up. We can't wait to see what next week will hold.

The Russells


Christie's Corner said...

This video of Christian and Eric is so great!! Brings tears to my eyes. And, GREAT news about the decrease in seizures....awesome!!

Anonymous said...

that laughing just makes my day!!

Tara said...

Praise the Lord!! I'm so happy for you guys! It's amazing what a lot of prayer and a little oxygen can do for a body. Good luck with PT this week and I'll see you next Monday!! Love the video!