Saturday, September 27, 2008


This week I was sent a clinging cross. I had never seen one of these but as I waited for it to arrive I couldn't get the word cling out of my mind. I thought what a powerful word.
Cling-to adhere closely or to hold tight, as by grasping or embracing.
I thought about how at times in our lives all we can do is cling to the cross or to God's promises. But that is what we do-cling. I don't stand beside or hang out by the cross. I cling.
The mental picture I get is of a victim in a flood or burning building clinging to a rescue worker attached to a rope and the victim wraps their arms and legs around the rescuer-hanging on for dear life. At the moment of rescue they have no other option but to cling. They aren't just holding on with one arm. But the picture isn't complete because the rescuer is clinging to the victim too! It's just like God-as we cling to Him, He's clinging just as tightly to us. What a thought to know that God is holding on to us thru our tough times-with his arms wrapped tightly around us! How reassuring. And you know He's not saying "ok you got about 1 day or 1 week to cling and your times up." No we can cling day or night for as long as we need to. Can i get an amen!
Anyways just remember that you can cling to Him!
You can check out the clinging cross at

I couldn't help but humm the tune of old rugged cross.

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